Robert Pho, owner of Skin by Design Tattoo, owner and breeder of Cyko Kennels being one of the top tattoo artists in the nation, but a prominent breeder of American pit bulls.
The amazing journey of Robert Pho’s life began when he was forced to flee his homeland of war-torn Cambodia at the age of 2. From there, his flight towar freedom led him through France to California. After his tumultuous beginning, it seemed as if hardships continued to follow him. Always ready to face a challenge, Pho didn’t allow his destiny to remain in anyone else’s hands but his own.
It has been said that a life lived without mistakes is a life that hasn’t been truly lived. Thankfully, Pho’s mistake that landed him a stint behind bars led him to discover his natural talent as a tattoo artist. He began with the typical prison style equipment by using a Walkman motor, guitar string, D batteries and Indian ink, which he used on himself. Soon enough using his body as a guinea pig paid off. He became a walking poster board as other inmates took notice, making Pho’s tattoos in high-demand.
It was during this time that he really learned to draw and sharpen his craft. In addition to tattoos, he would draw pictures, focusing mainly on portraits and drawings of faces. With Imited supplies, he creatively began putting his masterpieces on everything from paper and envelopes to cups and handkerchiefs. This not only kept him busy, but turned into a nice side job. He was constantly commissioned to make drawings that could be sent to loved ones and hung up in cells.
Once released from prison, a tattoo magazine Pho picked up made him realize that the ordered my first tattoo kit from Huck Spaulding. I couldn’t believe how different it was and I just kept at it,” Pho said. He kept his game tight by freelancing out of garages and kitchens in California. He then set his sights on North Carolina, which led to a joint venture with a friend allowing him, his first legitimate job at a tattoo parlor as a professional artist.
North Carolina offered another positive change to Robert Pho’s life that introduced him to a different art form, the breeding of pit bulls. He started out as a typical backyard breeder by experimenting with cross breedings and using different lines such as Alvarados and Storms. At that time he liked the look of those dogs because they were so compact at 12′ high and weighing 35 lbs. maximum full-grown. Soon, he was swayed when a book cover caught his attention featuring. Throwing Knuckles, owned by Dave Wilson of Razor Edge Kennel. Known as a proportionately bigger, brick-shaped dog with distinctive heads and large-boned muscular tones, this style of dog would change Pho’s choice and style forever. From this point on, it was no question, “Bigger is better.”
Through the combination of meeting Dave Wilson and the continued appreciation he had for pit bulls by reading numerous books and magazines, he was pulled deeper into the pit bull game. Over time and after a few tattoos, he became good friends with Wilson.
In 2002, after obtaining a few Razors Edge dogs and six acres of land he started Cyko Kennels. His main stud was Blue who came out of Cane and Steel. He was able to complete a few successful breedings using Blue and his female Misty. Unfortunately. with breeding sometimes what is left to science and experimenting doesn’t also have a happy ending. The other breedings that he had hoped for, Blue with Chiquita of TBK and Blue with Safire (out of Hennessee and Diamond), had been unsuccessful. The final blow came when Blue died of heat stroke. Although, this was a huge loss, breeding has never been about the money, rather the love for the breed. From his experiences, he has learned the importance of being able to look ahead and move forward. Luckily, he still has a few good dogs left. Taking things to the next level, he has relocated to Las Vegas, Nevada. Combining his love of art and his love of dogs, he penned a much-needed pit bull drawing set for the tattoo industry and is working on his second set. Also be on the look out for future pit bull posters, stickers and t-shirts. From pits to tats, you can guarantee that Master Pho will never stop perfecting his craft. He understands and recognizes that one must be willing to take risks and make sacrifices to achieve success. A master must accept nothing short of greatness.