Skin Design Tattoos is more than a brand. We’re a family.

We work as a team of brothers, sisters, mentors, and apprentices who all come together to lift one another up.
We know that the growth of an individual reflects on the growth of our art, of our brand, of our industry. We’re here to push boundaries — both personally and within the greater tattoo industry.
Every artist who has joined the SDT family has become better, in one way or another. Beyond the talent, we’ve all become stronger, more resilient, more devoted, a better listener, friend — a better individual.
That’s what defines SDT culture.
But the downside to that culture is that it’s a grind. The hard work, the long hours, the time lost with loved ones — the pressure.
Without the right mindset, this pressure can break you.
The Toll of the Pressure in Skin Design Tattoos Culture
It can be a burden, the need to keep evolving. You have to compete with your fellow artists — the same artists that you love like your own flesh and blood — to keep up with the market.
You have to surrender all of yourself to the craft, day after day, month after month. Often, at the expense of your own mental health.
When everyone around you is constantly striving to be better, you have to push your own limits. You have to hustle just to keep up.
A lot of artists are leaving due to the unstable and unforgiving economy, oversaturation, declining rates, and changes in the growth of our company. More than anything, they feel pushed out when they’re unable to adapt with the shifting industry.
If you can’t handle the weight of all that pressure, you’ll never rise above it. You’ll get left behind.
Meeting the Demands of the Industry: Embracing the Skin Design Tattoos Culture
The close-knit culture can also lead to jealousy. The more we grow as a company, the bigger our Skin Design Tattoos family becomes, the more room there is for feelings to get hurt.
Artists will feel that I show favoritism and grow resentful when they’re not receiving as much support or when they’re seemingly passed up for promotion.
It’s my job to make sure everyone feels seen — but it can be a lot. Dividing my time between shops, artists, and my family remains one of my biggest challenges.
I still haven’t learned how to separate work from family. If I get a call from an artist during breakfast with the kids on my “day off,” I’m going to answer it. If we’re short-staffed, I’m going in. I’ll drop everything in case of emergency, fly across the country, and help put out the fire.
For me, there is no distinction between work life and personal life. Some of my best ideas were sparked over dinner with my wife, while dreaming, or during my commute to work. All aspects of life are enmeshed with Skin Design Tattoos.
But, as hard as I try, it’s impossible to keep everyone happy all of the time. That’s the price of being an entrepreneur.
When members of the team feel disconnected or forgotten, our numbers start to dwindle. People leave discouraged.
Other times, I have to make the hard decisions. It’s up to me to remove toxic people, for the sake of the team and for the sake of our company culture.
That always gets to me. I want so badly for each one of our artists to succeed, to have the opportunities the SDT name affords them, and to find the happiness those opportunities have awarded me and my family.
Ultimately, these are the tough calls I have to make for them. For my family. To make sure they have a legacy that outlives all of my sacrifices.

Overcoming Cycles of Change
I have to wear many hats in my life. Adapting to the people and the changes around you — it’s not easy.
Skin Design Tattoos strives to stay at the forefront of the industry, pushing ourselves and our company to stay a leader in our evolving landscape. While change is necessary for growth, it can be challenging for everyone, even within our own families.
Because of that, we’ve faced mass exoduses, times where we were hit by the sudden loss of SDT team members.
Some don’t understand the importance of building a resilient company infrastructure that can withstand the demands of our industry.
This strong foundation isn’t just about survival. It’s about being part of something bigger than just tattooing.
But not everyone believes in the power of innovation, in elevating yourself through your art.
Embracing the Struggles
During the mass exodus of 2019-2020, a large group of our team members — the whole front desk, artists, and members of my own family, left SDT. Not everyone left under amicable circumstances.
People left telling us we’d never make it, wishing for our failure.
But that experience made us stronger. We doubled our revenue the following year.
This experience solidified our belief that hard work and perseverance can turn setbacks into opportunities. When you welcome change, struggles are just new paths for success.
Learning from the Past
With over three decades of experience, I’ve seen firsthand how the tattoo industry is constantly evolving, and every four years we witness a major shift.
2024 seems to be another one of those pivotal moments. It’s a time for natural selection – a chance for everyone to evaluate their place within the changing landscape.
The universe has a way of guiding us, and sometimes that means letting go of those who aren’t destined to be part of the journey.
It’s painful, especially when it involves people closest to you.
But focusing on what we can control – our own growth and adaptation – is key. We have to trust the process and embrace the opportunities that lie ahead.
As we undergo another mass exodus — bigger than we’ve ever seen —we know what’s coming. SDT veterans feel the sense of déjà vu, excited for what waits for us once the storm has passed.
While most people in my shoes would have given up, I’m made strong by the belief that God has a bigger purpose for me. He’s saved me for something greater than myself.
Even though it hurts to watch the people you’ve counted on leave when they think you’re vulnerable, I know that the people who matter stay with us. They stay strong.
I’ve stood beside members of the Skin Design Tattoos family that have overcome the struggles of the past, and I see how powerful we are as a team. We know that you can’t get distracted by the people who pray for your downfall — you have to stay focused.
I know, too, that words are powerful. I have the power to help those around me through the lessons I’ve learned. I’ll continue to speak my goals into existence. When I say something, when I fully visualize it, consider it done.
And one thing I can promise you, is that this is just the beginning of SDT’s success.
For my daughter, for my family, for the SDT team who’s given so much to get us here, for our clients, and for future generations — I will never stop fighting for a brighter future. I will never settle.
Skin Design Tattoos — the greatest is yet to come.